leadership integrity family education

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


This is the day that the Lord has made WE shall rejoice and be glad in it! Sing unto the Lord a NU song and praise His Holy name! Father, I just want to first of all say THANK YOU. Thank you for looking out for me through out the night and breathing breath into my body! Some folks didn't even make to see December 10, 2009 but you've shown me your grace and mercy, THANK YOU! Thank you for protecting me from being on the streets homeless, diseased, drugged up, crazy, and list goes on and on. Thank you for helping me be unashamed to praise your name ANYWAY, even in my own room in front of my roommate! Thank you for sparing my life and using me as your tool to win souls back to Christ. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I couldn't help myself to start off that way. God has just been that good to me! In spite of me being "in between blessings", God always show himself as Jehovah Jireh. Ladies, when I volunteered myself to write the blog for today, I had no idea what to write. I was actually comparing myself to those who had written before. I just thought they were so deep and I know I'm not supposed to think that way but I did. Then again, I AM MY OWN PERSON! But this blog of mine is going to be dedicated to just giving THANKS.

Sometimes in all of our lives, we didn't acknowledge who was there for us from the very beginning. I know I didn't. When I wake up I don't give a proper acknowledgement to my Daddy' especially when I'm in the dorm room. I say that because this morning, my phone alarm didn't wake me up (it never does but I didn't hear it this time) but when I woke up, I automatically gave thanks! My roommate probably thinks I am a religious freak because I was lifting up my hands saying thanks to Dad and I just happened to turn around and I saw her looking at me and it was so weird. I just turned back around thanking Daddy!

I love the book of Psalms because everyone knows that's the "Praising/Thanksgiving" book. And as I am writing now, I just flipped to Psalm 105:1 and it says O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the people. I guess I did that this morning (lol). But I want to say, whatever your circumstances or situations (good or bad) give thanks to the one who made you in the image of Him. I do not want to take Him for granted anymore, I truly do FEAR Him and if you don't, get with the program!

I love you my Lovely Dovelies. I hope one day I will be able to meet all of you and may God be with you, don't worry because you did AWESOME on your finals! Safe journeys, many blessings over your life and Happy Holidays!!


Jeanine Leah Hill
The GREAT Bethune-Cookman University
Bachelor of Science Candidate, Walking it out May 9, 2009
Dove Sister WildFire
Alpha Nu Omega Sorority, Inc.
Daytona Beach Member at Large
#2 FA08


  1. yes! this is EXACTLY what i needed to hear...esp on my birthday. THANK YOU GOD 4 using Jeanie as your vessel to deliver this word from you!

  2. That was great...I too needed to be reminded of just how grateful I am. THANK YOU LORD!
