leadership integrity family education

Saturday, December 20, 2008


First I'd like to start off and say that God is really good...like really. One, he keeps building road blocks that prevent me from doing what my flesh really really really wants to do and makes a way for the things that I really really really need and that are according to His plan despite what b.poe may want, feel, think, or do. That's love. Taking care of me when I'm foolish enough to want to do else wise. Thank you dear Lord .

I was blessed on last Sunday to go to my church (Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church) and take a break from west elm. Mind you, this is the 2nd Sunday that I've had off since working there. Praise God that YOU have the ability to be free and go to church. You don't realize what you have until you have no other option. BEING at church is better than WATCHIN it online every week (just my opinion). Anyway...Co-Pastor Susie was preachin and boy did it bless me! I've been meditating on it all week. Here's a lil something from what I gathered...

Title: I Have the Power to Overcome
Scripture: Revelation 12:11
Question: What is the significance of the BLOOD of the lamb and the WORD of one's testimony?

Let's go over a few words first.
1. TYPOLOGY which means and/or represents symbolism
2. RHEMA is the spoken word
3. LOGOS is the idea or in other terms the 'creative power' of the word. Hence, this is God's means of communicating with the human race.

Good, so we have the 3 words down, and you've read the scripture (I don't really paste scriptures too much because I think it's a great habit to open one's Bible).

We know that we speak death or life with the power of our own tongue. This is where the power of God in our lives takes place. If God THOUGHT (logos) about being a man, SPOKE (rhema) the Word, and behold the IMMACULATE (without blemish) conception of Jesus...we MUST conclude that we posses this power as well. Ladies and gentlemen, in conclusion: WHAT I THINK AND WHAT I SAY WILL COME TO PASS. Please know that we can defeat ourselves with our own words!

Since we're going to have to fight, we might as well be a good fighter! We HAVE to build up that psyche where we SPEAK victory before ever coming in contact with the struggle. Like a wrestler or boxer. They train and train and train before they EVER get in the ring to fight a match. However, the whole time they are in the mindset of WINNING! They KNOW punches and blows are coming their way but they don't let that prohibit them from ever entering the ring and training to get the victory.

Now, what does overcoming mean? Last time we focused on motivation, but really...what does it mean to overcome? Well, it DOES NOT mean to attain success, recognition, achievement, acceptance, or prestige in the CHURCH or in the WORLD. For, what you may consider success others may see as failure. Hence, those could not possibly represent the ability to overcome.

What is DOES mean is that YOU , I, We will possess the ability to suffer well. Yes, possessing the ability to suffer well. This is the person who will remain loyal to God despite persecution, trials, heartache, no fiances, disrespectful professors, trippin boyfriends, unloyal friends, gossip in organization, etc. This COULD be you. If YOU and I push all of these worries and concerns aside, we could possess the ability to overcome. If we want to overcome, we have to endure hardness like a good soldier and never quit. The Marines say it better: "pain is weakness leaving the body." I believe in this whole heartedly. How can you ever know if you are capable of overcoming or enduring the hard times if you've never went through a cold season? This is why is allows blows to come our way. To test our loyalty to His love, His Word, His authority. In order to comply with authority we must hear the voice of God and comply with His orders. If you are hearing opposite of what the Word is saying. Honey chile'...listen a lil' more clearly til you hear God.


1. Identify the enemy. How can you say you ready to fight the enemy and you don't even know who he is? Sometimes the devil is NOT THEM, it's YOU! Jesus knew about the enemy too. We can't just hold on to clichés. Clichés don't fight the devil, the Word does. We must use the RIGHT WORD for the RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCE. I don't recall "it is what it is" being in the bible. Perhaps the Message, but i'm talkin bout the WORD! The devil told Jesus that he would GIVE HIM all materialistic things. Sooo lets not get too up and mighty when WE'VE gotten a new car, shoes, money, great grades, etc. The devil has this power too. Make sure you're serving under the RIGHT master and that HE is the one rewarding you for your services and not the OTHER ONE (he who should not be named) lol.

2. Take it to the LORD...and the Lord will work it out! Psalm 121 is a great reflection of this. Leave it to God to work out the situation. Clearly it's still goin on in your life because YOU don't know how to fix it. You didn't create it nor foresee it so of course you don't have the solution. Duh! Leave it to the Master boo.

3. Admit your inadequacies. We're quick to say that someONE or someTHING is whack. How about you? If you/we overcome ANY obstacles it's not by our own power, but it's by the Lord working through us. He is the potter and we are the clay. Let's say this together now.."In my own strength, I cannot handle this." Great! One more time..."In my own strength, I CANNOT handles this!" Muy bien.

4. Rely on God's resources. His ways are not my ways. TRUST in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean NOT onto your own understanding. What the enemy meant for evil, God's resources will make good. What did David use to conquer Goliath? Exactly. How many fish and biscuits were used to feed the multitude? Exactly! God doesn't have to work a miracle every time. He has the resources my love. Let God work on the thing that's working on you. Great! Let's say it together: "Let God work on the thing that's working on me!" Fantastico.

5. Relax in faith. How would we know to relax and not be anxious? The WORD! Be encouraged because the Lord will make a way. He allowed it so He will bring you (me) out of it. God has EVERYTHING under control. NOTHING will overtake you (me) that the Lord has not summoned. Sooo when people are talking about you just know that they are talking about you because they want to get information about you to get to know you...them move on. Brush it off and move on. God's got it.

6. Thank God in advance for giving you (me) the victory. This is a prophetic praise. A praise of prediction. If you want it, speak it. Then thank God in ADVANCE for letting it come to pass. Need a lil help? Flip the record to Marvin Sapp. Ya feel me?

We are able to do ALL these things because of the blood of the lamb. We are able to SPEAK life because of the blood. We are able to call on the Lord because of the blood. We are able to be born again because of the blood. We are able to over come because of the blood of the precious lamb.

Now, how can I, (insert your name here) become an overcomer?
1. the BLOOD of the lamb
2. the WORD of my testimony

Just know that the Lord will PERFECT those things that concern you (me).

Peace and blessings until we meet again...



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