leadership integrity family education

Monday, December 15, 2008

My Box Labeled "God"

My Box Labeled "God"

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass ... Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him ..." (Psalm 37:4-7 NIV)

Have you ever been in a situation that seemed impossible to bear? A paper is due in 4 hours and you have 8 pages left to write? Failing a class and even if you received a 100% on the final it wouldn't make a difference? Money due for school and you don't even have two nickels to rub together?

Sometimes we get into situations like these and we wonder how we are going to make it out. We leap for the opportunity to take care of things ourselves. We run around exhausting ourselves wanting God open one of the doors we are beating down. By the end of it, we are so physically, mentally, and emotionally drained that we give up and figure all hope is gone because the door we chose was never opened.

The problem is that we become too dependent on ourselves because we limit God's ability to move in our lives. It's not that we don't believe God can work it out; we just set up boundaries around what He is able to do. We look with the eyes of our flesh and we lose sight of what God is really trying to do. We rush trying to finish that paper; we drop the class because we are going to fail; we try to take out loans that we can't afford. We do all of this instead of stepping back, having faith, and truly believing God will work things out with our best interest in mind.
We have to start leaning on Him for the answers to our problems. Of course that doesn't mean to sit still and do nothing. But it does mean to wait for his guidance to move.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Don't rely on yourself; rely on the one who knows your beginning and your ending and will only do what is best for you. Proverbs 28:26 says He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe."
To walk in wisdom means trusting God and having true faith.
For all we know God could have made a way that our unwavering professor give us an additional week to complete the paper; our grades could have been miscalculated and we receive a "B" instead of an "F"; or we receive grants for our efforts in school that we never anticipated.
Take Him out of that box you have placed Him in and let Him be who He is: Alpha, Omega, Beginning, Ending,

Brittany O.
DS Quintessence
*~The WILL of God will not take you where the GRACE of God cannot protect you~*

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