leadership integrity family education

Saturday, November 21, 2009


So today is the SCAVENGER HUNT!!!

THE HUNT is about love. There are four different types of love. Your job in this hunt is to identify them.

Instructions: You will be given webpages and scriptures in a specific order. On each webpage is a clue about the type of love that is being represented. Each scripture is also a description of the type of love. Your job is to identify the type of love (you may have to actually do further research to find out its true name if you don't know it). Then you must either send an email to doveconnect@gmail.com or post a comment listing all the types of love in order.

1. You have to give the Greek word followed by its English meaning
2. You have to post something from the website that you learned, or summarize the scripture (pretty much tell us how you came about figuring out what kind of love it is)
3. You must list them IN ORDER
4. You cannot post a comment or send an email until after 6pm this evening
5. No cheating

THE FIRST THREE PEOPLE RECEIVE A PRIZE!!!! So leave your email address so that we can notify you if you happen to win.


1. http://weddingwire.com/saheedandalex ;Song of Solomon, yes, the whole thing (if you want a focus, try 4:9-13)

2. http://www.focusonthefamily.com/ ;Colossians 3:20-21

3. http://www.allaboutgod.com/god-is-love.htm ;Romans 5:8a (the beginning)

4. http://www.friendship.com.au/ ;John 8:13

Have fun guys!!

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