leadership integrity family education

Friday, February 5, 2010


PUSH...Pray Until Something Happens...that's something that is seen and/or said fairly often right?

I was taught that I pray for something and then continue to thank God in advance for it coming to pass...my mom would be like "He heard you the first time" lol
I'm reading this book entitled, "Did you think to pray? How to listen and talk to God everyday about everything" by R.T. Kendall. I'm almost halfway through and it is very interesting. I think sometimes it's easy to forget about prayer in some aspects. Prayer is one of way of communicating with God. Some people just talk to Him like they would to a friend in prayer, some people write it down, maybe others sing or anything like that. But one thing that I learned growing up is that in order to live life as God would have us live, we need to completely give ourselves and our lives to Him. That means that, essentially, our spiritual life and our natural lives are so intertwined, that they may as well be, they are one.
As my uncle says, we are spirits, we have a soul, and we live inside of a physical body. The stuff going on down here on Earth is only temporary. Prayer is a big part of your walk. We need to talk to God. We definitely can about everything and anything. He will always listen, let us have a tantrum..or when we don't want to talk to Him, He will always take us back. Despite all of that, a lot of times I find it incredibly hard to pray. Even when I know that I know that I KNOW that I should. Sometimes I just forget...have you ever done that? Even when things are going wrong, there's so much going on, but for that very reason I forget to. I want my first reaction to be running to God. God has blessed me to have an amazing family and amazing friends. I have a biological sister and a plethora of other brothers and sisters. People that I know I can talk to and even some that I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that God put them here so I can talk to them. If you knew me a few years ago, I wouldn't talk to anyone. About anything. No matter what was going on inside me, it stayed inside. Now I have people I can talk to, people that know me so well, it's amazing...because a few years ago, people really just thought they knew. But they had no idea (lol hadda say it...stay with me).

The point is, yes, God gives us people, friends, sisters, brothers, cousins, to talk to, but we need to know that we need to run to Him first. Sometimes even in prayer, He can lead you to the right person to talk to. God wants us to talk to Him. He wants us to come before Him and just be. To talk to Him the way we talk to our closest friends or family members. God isn't some big bully (shout out to Advisor Sneed) or some being that's way out and up there above us. He's very real and very close to us and just wants to be closer. God will do His part, but are we doing ours? You don't have to pray the way the deacon at your church does, the way your mother does, or anything. You talk to God the way you're comfortable, but do talk to Him. And as you do, you will find not only God drawing nigh to you, but you drawing nigh to Him. So much so that it will be as if He is sitting and talking to you face to face. I want to be a woman after God's own heart, to talk with Him like Moses did...all it takes is one step.

Dove Sister Adeola Oyelabi

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