leadership integrity family education

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Like Fine Wine

So I was in my art appreciation class today, listening to my professor lecture about the different elements of art. Giving a small spill about each piece of artwork created by artists I had never even heard of. After a while, the paintings all seemed to look alike to me. One after the next, some colors, some blotches, some lines..whatever. And then, there it was. An PURE image so unique, peculiar, standing out from all the rest. It was a beauty. I stared at this work, tilting my head from side to side, trying to grasp an understanding of its intricate design. The colors were just right, shape and form, amazing. I am the least of those that appreciate art, but here I am; eyes locked, an unusual admiration, captivated by this…by this…..what is it? Assuming by the class response, everyone else saw nothing “admirable” about it. Some even mocking it, saying that it was not true art, and that it is a work that they could have done themselves. The professor went on to tell us of its worth. As you can probably guess, it was worth millions. Some ridiculous price. Apparently, this was a piece that had been around for years becoming more beautiful and valuable over time. It had been showcased in art galleries all over the world. Yet, no duplication. So what’s the secret to this piece? She, my professor, smiled and said, “When being created, the brush never touched the canvas.” I thought to myself, this is how I want my marriage to be. Sacred. Valuable. Honored. Looked upon and smiled at by God, the original creator. I want it to grow and get better over time. Like fine wine, I suppose. So complicated, but yet simple. Beauty that cannot be defined, because it flows distinctively throughout, from beginning to end. Withstanding the test of time. Something to be admired and showcased. An example for both the future, and those that shall follow. The first, last, and only of its kind. I’m not too much, he’s not too less, but together we are just right, making lasting impressions upon the heart of God from which it will come. Marriage is art. Like a piece of work. Astounding beauty anointed by God, its creator, WITHOUT premarital sex.

Dove Sister Dontaleisha Smith

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