leadership integrity family education

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

embracing humanity

Is it me, or does it seem like “heartbreak season” for some reason? I know quite a few people, male and female alike who are experiencing some type of major relationship issue or bad breakup. Idk, I guess love itself, or what we think it to be, is always a common topic. It will always be the subject at hand for somebody, it never fails. In this stage of our young life, break ups and relationship issues are inevitable. Now I’m no “love guru” or relationship scholar, but through my own experiences with all of the above, I have learned that its best to embrace my humanity. Easier said than done, of course. But I’ve found that nothing can heal my broken my heart but God and time. And even God chooses to do so in the timeframe that He pleases! Why is this so?

I think it has a lot to do with God being more concerned with what needs to be learned during the process, rather than how you feel when you come out. By no means is this to say that He isn’t concerned at all, but to say that life itself is a process. One that requires learning from experiences in order to succeed. And God is so awesome, that even when we make dumb decisions with love and relationships out of our own free will, He still finds a way to teach us the lesson, and be blessed by it in the end!

Back to the point….I’ve learned that nothing has been able to heal my broken heart except God and time. And because I love hard, my heartbreaks are harder, so my healing could take a while. Lol. So as I wait for God to work His wonders, why not embrace my humanity? As a human being, I have a unique design. God has equipped me with a special component that allows me to be hurt in the very place from which I give love. If I was supposed to be immune to being hurt, then I wouldn’t be able to feel pain in the first place, or at least that’s what I believe.


...the key then is finding “value” in the “valley”. Seeking what is to be gained from your situation, and that may only come through the pain that it brings. In the past, my breakups went either one of two ways. A) I ignored the fact that I was hurting inside, acting as if my breakup didn’t have a true effect on me emotionally and physically as I appeared “good” to the world around me. All the while aware that I was running from my reality and ruining all of the other relationships that were and would be connected to me. Thus prolonging my healing and becoming more bitter by the moment. OR B) I embraced the fact that I was a human being, who was able to love and be loved, just as easy as I am able to hurt and be hurt. This allowed me to be comforted by those who could relate and become a better woman for the next person I would choose to give my heart to. I was able to heal the right way, and I learned so much about God, myself, love, and relationships. Oh, and I also discovered my artistic side as I found new ways to express what I was going through..who knew?!

God desires those who are willing to be real with Him about their situations. He’s the creator, so He knows the very aspects of our humanity that we try so hard to hide. The question is, do you know you???

“There is no way to slip through life dodging the hard things. Pain is as inevitable as breathing. Ever since sin came into creation, that’s how it’s been. People who live their lives trying to incubate themselves from painful experiences will find themselves so busy hiding from reality that they will miss the spontaneous joy of trusting God in the moment.” Claire Cloninger

So, what does embracing your humanity mean? Learn to be vulnerable. Roll with the punches. And although you may be nervous, don’t be afraid to love again.

Dove Sister Dontaleisha Smith

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