leadership integrity family education

Saturday, February 6, 2010

just a few things...

sometimes, i just need to be reminded of things. today, I was reading through my personal notes, and I realized how many reminders I had. so i felt like i should share just a few...

How can you expect a man to be faithful if he has no faith?

Psalm 126:5 Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy

If God allows it, it means He already has a plan to bring you out.

YOU are ministry

You didn't create yourself, so there's no way you can tell yourself what you were created for...  ~The Purpose Driven Life

The times you feel the worst are the times you can know Him the best.

Christ is my everything, or He isn't anything

I'm running; if I can't walk then I'll crawl, and I'll get up when I fall, trying to get to whereYou are...  ~Mary Mary "I'm Running"

We all need a little dirt to grow...  ~Mary Mary "Dirt"

Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life

(on Psalm 23) His rod and His staff comforts me. a rod: to beat back the enemy, heavy enough to strike a big blow. a staff: long enough to pull His sheep back in when we stray too far ... we're walking THRU the valley, not TO it ... it says "thou preparest me a table in the presence of mine enemies" if you have no enemies, you have no table ... Dwell in the house of the Lord; DWELL, not visit.

When you think that you can, His hands are tied and He can't. But when you know that you cannot, that is when He can.

God didn't create sin; the devil and man permitted it.

Repentence is an everyday thing. It is your weapon. It is power. It is our spiritual shower....if you dont take it, you will stink!

Carry your cross...as we grow in Christ, the cross does not get smaller; it gets bigger as we become more self aware

Go means you just leave, untethered, floating around. SENT means you've got support, a home, a purpose. It means you can always come back to people who love you. You're a warrior, with something to do.

You can either wallow in the situation you're in right now, or seek to understand/discern why God has you in that situation.  ~my nu fave quote giver

Hope this blesses your life!

Dove Sister DeAnna

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