leadership integrity family education

Thursday, February 11, 2010

the devil is in the details

ive heard...the devil is in the details.

but ive also heard that God is in the details.
so which one is it?

i think both. Most people dont look at the small things the devil does: laziness, pride, spirits of depression and loneliness, attitudes. hes a sneaky buster.

i was thinking about this, and something came to my mind. now im not a very holy person, i would say. in that i mean, i just dont automatically think of things in spiritual terms. we are spirit, soul, and body, but unfortunately, sometimes i tend to focus on the more obvious soul and body portions of my life...anyway. back to what i was thinking.

i started noticing that whenever i would pray, just me and God, with no music, no noise, nothing but me and God, alone, or when i really really wanted to do some intercessory prayer, i tend to get sleepy. doesn't matter if i was sleepy or not. i would find myself fallin asleep on God! not cool.

then i thought about it more. how come if i was silent doing anything else, i could stay awake? i mean, i pull all nighters pretty frequently. why can't i stay awake for the most important thing in my life? could it be...maybe...the devil?

now at first, i thought, ok DeAnna, youre really OD now. this is something so small, so minute, really, the devil tho? but the devil...is in the details.

ephesians 6:10-18

im not wrestling against my flesh and blood. im wrestling against powers, principalities, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places.

what does the deivl hate the most? our intimacy with God.

so he would try anything to keep me from that. he aint stupid. he knows that im not gonna fall for some obvious thing. uhuh. i love my God too much, im too smart for that. and im also too smart to notice the small things that keep me from developing a deeper relationship with God. which is why he would go that route, lol. bc i think im too smart to fall for something. (i should have recalled this scripture: Romans 12:3 ....Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.)

so what do i do?

i realize that i have to search closely, look at the details, and stab him. i have to put on my whole armour...i especially need my shield of faith to quench his fiery darts, and to always be in the spirit so i can sling him off with my sword.

only by always being ready, always being watchful for that stupid devil, can i kill him straight off. And reveal the true details:

the little things God does in my life to assure my peace, joy, and well being. the little things He does to cultivate our intimacy.

Dove Sister DeAnna Rhodes!

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