leadership integrity family education

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Today at church,the message was titled "Waiting Well". The main
point(s) of the message talked about how as a whole,we live in a
society that wants everything now.We don't like to wait on
anything...but sometimes God calls us to get up,read His
Word,pray...and wait. Waiting can be tedious at time,I know. I would
much rather do something,try to fix it,than wait.But once again we
come to the place where somtimes we try to take things into our own
hands instead of listening to God. As the speaker said,a lot of times
we just need to listen to our Heavenly Father.He is saying, "Wait. I
know the plan I have for you.I know what I'm doing." Next time it
seems that you are praying and praying...doing and doing..but things
are only barely changing,consider maybe He wants you to wait. He said
He will never leave us nor forsake us and this is true. It's hard
sitting back and seemingly doing nothing. But trusting that His plan
is the best plan...is the best something we can do. So just
remember,He's got this. Wait.

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