leadership integrity family education

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Practice Living Within Today

January 20, 2009. The day a nation, better yet the world, witnessed a change in the way we as humans communicate, believe, stand firm, and stand together as one. With a new head of state administration, graduation around the corner, career opportunities, grad school, and life in general, we at times find ourselves worrying about tomorrow. The focus of this devotional is to practice living within today.

It is possible for us to physically be in today, but mentally be elsewhere. Perhaps we at times fail to remember that we are joint-heirs with Christ and that God shall supply ALL of our needs. Matthew 6:25-34 state it the best. It tells us to TAKE NO THOUGHT in what we shall eat, drink, wear, rest, etc., for our Father knows that we have need of these things.

Anxiety follows us like a shadow every time we have an exam, are anxiously waiting for that special male to call, before we make a big speech, or even when we stand still and think about that one thing that needed to be done but because we were so busy focusing on that other thing, the main thing didn’t get done so now tomorrow is going to be difficult because now we have a million plus one more thing to do in 24 hrs. Did you follow that? Don’t act like is hasn’t happened to you because it’s happened to all of us.

What is bad about anxiety is that is makes us apprehensive of what may happen that we cannot enjoy today because we are worried about tomorrow instead of thanking God for what we do have and where we are. Now, don’t get me wrong, it is important that we make a plan for our lives and in order to do this we must THINK about it; however, we cannot let these thoughts consume us. Meditate on Psalm 118 and recall that it is extremely important that we all have inner prosperity.

Worrying is also an open door for the devil to steal your faith and rob you of your peace of mind, joy, and confidence. To worry is to walk in disobedience. The joy of the lord is our strength, so if the devil takes that, you are vulnerable to satanic attack. Keep in mind that the devil understands that our minds are the battleground. STOP meditating over ‘shoulda, coulda, wouldas!!’ WHY WORRY ABOUT SOMETHING YOU CANNOT FIX? Also, complaining, being ungrateful, and depression, are all in the same family as worrying! Do not get caught being disobedient!

The scriptures tell us to rejoice in the Lord always; which means ALL the time. An up and down believer is one that waivers—one that rejoices when he or she feels like it. The believer that operates in faith is one that will believe God no matter what and realizes that feelings only last temporarily.

My dear sisters, God wants to take us to a place where nothing moves us; but this is not achieved by autopilot. We need to work in order for things to change (a la Obama). This is done by monitoring the way we think. God is going to let us feel some heat, but through it all we must trust Him (Romans 8:28).

Remember that God has to let the devil test us. Now, if He stopped the devil in his tracks every time we encountered a tough situation, God would be operating illegally. God is not in control of this planet—He has a tenant (the devil). First Adam gave the keys to Satan to rule, but thank God that his lease is almost over! The only time that God can be in control is when a believer, that’s you and me, works in faith. WE have to work in faith! When we use what God has authorized us to use, He is able to be the controlling force in our lives. Think about it. Why would we have ministers, wars, ANQ or even President Obama if God was in control of this earthly vessel?

We are in a war and there are casualties in a war. However, in this war that we are fighting in, to die is to gain. The devil’s number one desire is to separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:25-36).

Cast your worries aside—my dear friend—leave them to the Lord, and start practicing living within today.



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