leadership integrity family education

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Don't make God a to-do on your list...

Hey everyone. Happy first day of school! I apologize for all of the fwd text. However I really wanted to share this article I found with you that talks about how you can improve your quiet time with God. A lot of people have been approaching me lately with the issue of feeling like their devotional or quiet time with God was just another thing to check off on their to-dos. This should never be the feeling...and when it is we should be striving to make sure that our intimate time with Him a spiritual necessity not just physical TO-DO.

Follow the link and hopefully we can all see where we can improve the way we view spending time with Him. Love you all!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <valenciathurman@yahoo.com>
Date: Jan 6, 2009 11:06 PM
Subject: Crosswalk.com | How Can I Improve My Daily Quiet Time?
To: <dsintrinsicforce@gmail.com>

I thought you might enjoy this page I found at Crosswalk.com. Check it out:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the post sis! This is something I continually have been trying to work on - not to get so caught up and seek God only as an afterthought.
    Stay blessed,

    Uche Anigboh
    DS Daybreak
    #6, SU08 - George Washington U.
