leadership integrity family education

Thursday, September 24, 2009

True Freedom

At the end of yesterday's entry, I mentioned looking at those wild horses running past and still feeling happy. Now, that is how it should be, but at times it isn't. The tamed horses are looking at the wild ones from inside their stalls neighing to each other, "Yea, man, I remember when I used to do such and such like ol' boy doin now..."

Why do we as Christians look back and reminisce about our pasts like it was the "good old days?" Are we not new creatures? 2 Corinthians 5: 17

Many Christians look at their lives as a tamed horse. They only go where their Master tells them. They are fenced in or stalled in. They can't do all the "fun stuff." God has all these yucky rules that we don't understand; it's really only so we can be whack and miserable.

NOT TRUE!! Galations 3: 22

True freedom is Christ! Do we not see how He lovingly puts a warm shelter over our heads while the "free ones" are cold and wet? How we get our shoes changed whenever they get chipped or when something forces its way through them? How we are guaranteed nourishment in the famine and water in the drought? We have all we need in Him. The grass only looks greener on the other side of the fence because we are colorblind, or shall I say spiritually blind. It's really dead and withered, but our fenced-in grass flourishes for He lives forever and ever (and is therefore forever and ever watering it). Isaiah 40: 8

Sin itself is a prison. How many people we know seem to have everything but happiness? How many people party all the time to hide their hurt and pain? How many people are trapped in lifestyles they dont want?

I have plenty of fun within the limits Christ sets for me. Galations 5:1. Because really, the gate, the stall door, its wide open. We have free reign; we have a choice. Everything is permissable, but is it beneficial? 1 Corinthians 6: 12. As soon as I step out to get my little bit of pleasure, that rock gets in my shoe and I limp back to the Master. I know that this fence is only to keep me safe, so I resist the temptation and set my eyes on the prize in front of me. Philippians 3: 14

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