leadership integrity family education

Monday, September 21, 2009

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Man, I'm Thirsty!

I wake up in the morning and I am faced with a choice to make already. I open the refridgerator to get something to drink. What a myriad of options! Orange juice, water, milk, iced tea, lemonade, KoolAid (oh yeah!), a few soda bottles, a smoothie I didn't finish the other day...I'm thirsty, and all I have to do is choose.

That's why I don't understand when people say that they sincerely want to be filled, want to be in their Word, but they "can't understand," or it's "too hard to read," or my favorite, "it was written by the white man." Okay, so King James was white, but what about the New Living Translation, where the original Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, whatever language text is translated by a team of like, 100 men and women of different nationalities and ethnicities?

Whoever says these things, or something like it, is just making excuses, is lazy, or is just a liar.

There are so many different versions of the Bible today that it's just like my fridge; just choose your drink!!

Now, my drinks may not be like your drinks; that's ok, because I'm not you (duh). I have my water, my own personal drink of choice. Cool, refreshing, nourishing, and I need it everyday - the New Living Translation  (kudos to Symphony for putting me on that; I truly am indebted to her for that and many other reasons. love you!). I come from a big family, so one thing we always have in the fridge is milk. The King James Version is sometimes ice cold and perfect (in my cereal, when I'm indulging in Oreos) but sometimes I look and just think, "ugh, not today!" However, it is always there, and it always provides some nutritional value. Then there's my KoolAid (The Message): sweet, but sometimes it's a little too much for my taste. I got my iced tea (New International Version), my smoothie (Contemporary English Version), and all my other juice options, which, for some reason, are all Welch's brand (www.biblegateway.com).

With all these drinks, how can you continue to be thirsty? There is no excuse not to be filled.

Fruity Citrus Slush
1 medium banana, cut up                     3 cups ginger ale or lemon-lime soda
2 cups unsweetened pineapple juice          fresh raspberries
1/2 cup sugar                               1 (6 ounce) can frozen orange juice
1 1/2 cup water                             1 tablespoon lemon juice

Combine bananas, pineapple juice, sugar, and orange juice. Blend (if you don't have a blender, be creative. I do :-D). Pour in large container, stir in water and lemon juice, cover and freeze for six hours.
To serve: let stand thirty minutes. Spoon one cup slush and 1/2 cup ginger ale in glass. Add raspberries.

~Dove Sister DeAnna~


  1. I like this analogy you made girl. It was a very creative way of putting it - I'm bout to get a drink now :) NIV version !

  2. girl...that was AWESOME!!!! i really enjoyed reading ur devotion....now i think i will have a glass of water (NLT) and then go to bed. luv ya!
