leadership integrity family education

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Give it ALL

A little birdie once told me:  "I have a lot of things I have to do, a lot of
things I want to do and a lot of things I can't do."
Interesting, right? I think so...So I said to myself, "Self?" and my self said, "What?" and I said, "Self...THAT...is a word of some sort."

I think there are three things or ideas in that statement that help to govern our lives today. So I'll break it down:

1. Have to do = Obligation or Duty
2. Want to do = Desire
3. Can't do = Either because it's not what you're supposed to be doing
(outside the will of God, so to speak, like a boundary), you THINK you are
unable to do it when, in reality, you can (lack of confidence in yourself), or someone or something is keeping you from it

Really we need to make all of those things work together in the will of God for our lives. There really are certain things we have to do, will want to do, and won't be able to do because of the reasons mentioned above.

1. Duty - Luke 17:1-10
2. Desire - Ps. 27:4-6 & Ps. 37:3-6
3. Boundaries set by God - Ps. 16:6-11
   Lack of Confidence - Ps 139:14-16
   Others blocking - Genesis 3:4

The scripture corresponds with the topic before it. So I'm going to briefly touch on each one. The last one is kind of lengthy because it's 3-in-1.

1.  We have a duty to live as Christ did. To read the Bible and follow His example…and while we're doing it, to not act like it's just something we HAVE to do. It's the way to live. Although we have to do, we also love to do it because as children of God, we want to be like our Heavenly Father. The ultimate example for how men and women of God should live.

2. God wants us to be happy. I strongly believe that. The easiest way for us to be happy is to desire the things that God desires. Desire to have a close relationship with Him. Desire to end generational curses in your family. Desire to earn a higher GPA this year. Desire to share Him with others that you may or may not know. Desire to be in His presence. But more than desiring these things actually DO them. The Bible says that faith without works is dead (James 2:14-26). So as we desire the things that God desires and continue to walk out this Christian lifestyle, we'll get all we desire and then some. Things we didn't even ask for, God will give us.

3.         Sometimes we can't do something because God is protecting us, but we decide we still want to go over and see what's going on because "the grass is greener on the other side". Well, that's not always the case. Or sometimes it may be the case, but the grass is really just greener because it has so many weeds in it and along with weeds come pests and other nuisances. Then we get upset all because we didn't want to go through the "trouble" of doing the work and staying in God yard's and mowing it when He asked us to. Okay, maybe the example is a little far-fetched, but you understand what I'm saying. If God sets boundaries for us, respect them. They are there for a reason, and more than likely it is to save us, not keep us from missing out on things. Like I said, He wants us to be happy…He may be keeping you from something because you're not ready for it right now. Be patient and know that He has something lovely in store for you.  

Other times we can't or think we can't do something because we lack confidence. Confidence in ourselves or confidence in God. Or how about combining them and doubting the God in us. Don't do that. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Not only that, but God is continually doing a good work in us. That means that even if you don't have confidence in yourself, at least trust that God is working in you. But…then if you trust He's working in you, you might as well have confidence in yourself (while ultimately giving all praise, glory, and honor to God) because He's working in and through you. Doubting yourself is, essentially, doubting Him. (Wow. I better speak to myself!!! Praise the Lord and pass the peas!! Ok God…I see you!)

And lastly, is others blocking us from things. I chose the prime example of the fall of man for this one. Satan blocked Adam and Eve from obeying the Lord and they just believed Him. The consequences of people blocking us and of us ALLOWING them to do so can be dire. If something or someONE is blocking you from Christ or from something He has for you, you may need to reconsider the role it's playing in your life. Because we need to be directly connected to Christ. That's the most important thing.

YAY, all three points. So yes, as the birdie said, "There are things we will have to do, things we want to do, and things we can't do." Consult God on all of them. He'll never steer us wrong and has our best interests at heart (Jeremiah 29:11).

~~Dove Sister Adeola Oyelabi~

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