leadership integrity family education

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Need for Bible Study

Alas! Let me say SORRY for posting this so late. Unacceptable. Now let me tell you guys about this amazing, beautiful ministry on Howard University's campus: Howard Community Choir, better known as RHC. They really are the bomb. And every Monday they host a Bible study. Yesterday's Bible study was "The Need for Bible Study," and it was great! I don't know that personally, lol, but Dove Sister Ariel Pierson lent me her notes and they speak loudly. Thanks Ariel!

We are all students, and we know that if you don't study for a test/class/anything academic, you are going to fail. So clearly, if we don't study the Word, we FAIL AT LIFE. (I love Ariel!)

First of all, it's impossible to have a relationship with God if you don't know the Word. All of the Word is pertinent. The Old Testament focuses on who God is, the New Testament focuses on who Jesus is, and because Jesus sent the Comforter to dwell within us, we personally must medidate and focus on who the Holy Spirit is: the GodHead, three in One. By reading the Word you experience intimacy with God. 2 Timothy 2:15-18.

If you don't know the Word, you can easily be led astray. We are constantly in spiritual battle, even when we don't know it. Ephesians 6:10-12 tells us that we fight against flesh and blood, principalities, powers, the devil, who is the ruler of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickness in high places. If we don't know the Word, we have nothing with which to fight. The rest of the passage (13-18) tells us how to fight. If you don't know this scripture, you are in big trouble. (So go look it up. Like now)

Finally, when we choose not to get in the Word, we choose not to fufill the Great Commission, thereby disobeying Jesus (if you don't know what the Great Commission is, read Matthew 28:16-20). If you don't know the Word you can't teach others, because you can't teach something you don't know. We learn the scriptures for ourselves, yes, but also so that we can take people to the Word. If we don't get in the Word, the world will get worse. Proverbs 4:2. The bottom line is that the Word is food, and if we don't eat we will be malnourished.

Tips to apply this in your life:
1. Try to keep your Bible on you
2. Place emphasis on the Word--spend time reading it everyday
3. Don't neglect the Old Testament

~Dove Sister DeAnna~


  1. Yo. great post today sis. I'm thoroughly convinced and thanks for the reminder!

  2. GREAT! Big Ups to Precious for delivering God's Word Monday Night!

  3. AMEN! This is great loves!
