leadership integrity family education

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Lately, I have been really tired. Not sleepy, just tired. It would please me to no end to lay in my bed all day, doing nothing except read easy novels and watch mindless movies. I have no desire to do anything that even seems like work.

And I have noticed that when this spirit comes, it is the hardest to go away. The only cure is to get up and do something, the last thing I want to do. When I do get up and do things, it just seems like they do not turn out at all like they should.

It just reminds me of this lesson I recieved about seasons. I think I may have mentioned it before. Our seasons with God are just like nature's seasons. We have hills and valleys, and right now I am stuck in a valley, looking up at the hill/mountain (for although it is really a hill, only a hill, it seems so large from down here). All I can do is sigh, pick up my baggage, and start climbing.

Now I don't know how many of you know, but God did not tell us to climb in the first place. He gave me the power to speak, and by the power of my words I can cast that mountain into the sea. Problem is, I have a problem. I don't believe my words are as powerful as they once were. How can I talk myself out of this funk when I feel like I'm not connecting with the Power?

I once read, if you sense your faith is unraveling, go back to where you dropped the thread of obedience. Inside of obedience, if you havn't noticed, is the word die. We have to die to ourselves daily.

For me, and for everyone, remember the first step is to go back to where you stopped obeying. I know where mine is. John1:1 talks about in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God...we learn that the "Word" is Jesus, and no man cometh to the Father except through Jesus. And the Word is found in the Bible. No man cometh to the Father except through the Bible. The Bible tells us how to walk like Jesus and how to pray and how to ask for forgiveness of sins so that we can have not only salvation, but POWER.

So when is the last time I read the Bible....too ashamed. So I used to read it everyday, and all of a sudden, I was "too busy" to really get IN the Word like I was before. Reading a few verses a day isn't enough for me to get through, and that is my dropped thread.

I encouraged everyone to meditate on whether they are truly obedient to the Lord's Will.


DS DeAnna Rhodes

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