leadership integrity family education

Friday, April 3, 2009

It ain't over yet

So, I can say that this has been quite a rough week for me.  I have really had to deal with the pain that comes when your will doesn't match up with God's will.  Especially when the devil tries to convince you that your defeated because things didn't work out the way that you expected them to.  But as Jeremiah 29:11 states, "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future".  I really had to remind myself that God never intends to hurt us or cause pain, it's just a part of the process that we have to go through...and in the end, it all works out for His glory.  I honestly can say that I am still not 100% ok with where He has me, but growth can't come from being comfortable.  As my dear friend told me, we have to look at the fact that God knew I couldn't handle this a month ago, but today I'm strong enough to take it.  I don't know what you may be going through at this point in life, but just know that it's not over until your victory is won! Because in every situation, you have the victory!
Verse I
I know the odds look stacked against you
And it seems there's no way out
I know the issue seems unchangeable
And that there's no reason to shout
But the impossible is God's chance
To work a miracle, a miracle
So just know

It ain't over until God says it's over
It ain't over until God says it's done
It ain't over until God says it's over
Keep fighting until your victory is won

Verse II
He never said it would be easy
But you're a winner in the end
Jesus defeated all your enemies
Way before the fight began
But the impossible is God's chance
To work a miracle, a miracle
So just know


When people say you can't, remember
(He can, He can)
When you don't know what you're gonna do,
Please remember
(He has the master plan)
He will free you from your sin
And give you peace within
So hold your head up high
You're gonna win
(You're gonna win)


Keep fighting, keep praying, keep fasting
It ain't over, no
Keep pressing, progressing, keep moving
It ain't over, no
Keep reading, interceding, keep believing
It ain't over, no
Keep trusting, keep trying, keep travailing
It ain't over, no
Keep living, keep giving, keep going
It ain't over, no (8x)
Keep fighting until your victory is won
God Bless and have a wonderful weekend!  


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