leadership integrity family education

Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's Finals time!!!

Well, it's time again. Finals time.

Whether you go to Howard or not, undergraduate or graduate student...the end of the semester is here or nearing and it's time for final exams/projects/papers and all of that. Frankly, I'm tired of it all. Sometimes you get to the end and realize that CLEARLY you're priorities weren't in order and now you have a huge paper due and you're kind of scrambling to get it done at the last minute..*cough, cough*...or, you know, maybe not. Maybe you're the one who is always on your A game when it comes to academics. And the end of the semester is here and you're all caught up, studying for finals and you're really just tired. Ready for Christmas break to begin so you can chill and relax your brain, but you have to make it through the finals. Not that you won't, just you would much rather be at the end than SEE the end. Oh the path to the end of the semester.

Well, today, I just wanted to encourage everyone and encourage myself that the end is yet near!!! I also want to offer some advice as we get into the whole end of the semester thing:

1. Try to get as much sleep as possible: Now, I know some of you who know me are probably thinking I am the LAST person to be talking about getting sleep. And, yes, you are right. But that doesn't mean I don't have a point. Don't study study study and not sleep. Try to get a few hours, at least, so you can go into your exam semi well rested and get an A on your exam. It probably isn't a good idea to study for 3 days then go into the test and have a hard time because your brain won't function. Naps are good friends...they can refresh you when you don't necessarily have time for a full 8 hrs.

2. Eat: Make sure to eat and eat well. It seems the later we stay up the more likely we are to eat worse. Try to throw some fruit and veggies in there to keep you alert and healthy while you sit in the chair or on the couch or in the bed and study.

3. PRAY: Now, these are not in any type of order, but do this early on. Believe me, many a time I get discouraged and definitely need to call on Jesus because I just don't see how any of this is going to get done and the only thing in my head is the date that I'm leaving. But ask God to help you and to bring all things to your rememberance (John 14:26) and remember that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philipians 4:13).

4. This kinda depends on you, but if it helps, study with someone or have someone check on you: This can be good because it can help you from getting distracted and/or falling asleep. Accountability is great...sometimes we need that push to really be productive or keep being productive. In addition to this, try to have someone that will encourage you. Someone who can tell you when you're semi freaking out, that everything will be ok. Someone to pray for you too! It helps!

5. Know your study environment needs and go there: If you know you can't study in your room because the bed calls your name and 10min in you're sleep, DON'T STUDY THERE. Go to the library, form a study group, go to a study room. Similarly, if studying with a certain someone or someones, DON'T STUDY WITH THEM. Do whatever you have to..just ensure that wherever you are, you can study effectively.

6. Ask for help: Whether from a friend or a professor, if you don't understand something, ask. Someone might have a trick for remembering that equation or (for my fellow language majors out there) that conjugation or that term. You never know! And by that same token, avail yourself to help someone.

7. Relax: Remember Philipians 4:6-7 which states, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." I think this scripture was written for finals time! Can I get an amen!? Second ago I was...almost out of my mind because of these things I have to do, but fortunately I have two very close friends who are encouraging me. And plus, this scripture tells us to present our requests to God..and then..THEN the peace of God..God's peace!? That's some good peace right there. Will guard our hearts and minds. Well, praise God...(Shout out to DS Lyrical Wisdom)..so yes. RELAX...WOOSAH...WOOSAH...

So, yes. Those are some steps to getting through finals...Remember that nothing is impossible with God, but we also have to do our part. Pray..study..study effectively..and when you are finished, give it to God. Yes, give the final to God. We got this!!!

 Happi Graduation to DS Fidelity...we shall miss you!!!

Happy End of the semester, ladies and gentlemen. Love you all =) We can do it!

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